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Shofu Superbuff Set 25 Disk with 2 CA Mandrels #0535 1/Kit

Specially designed aluminum oxide impregnated felt disks with easy to use snap-on system for superpolishing all direct resins.


  • Benefits:

    - Integrated polishing paste in the disk ensures faster polishing while keeping the work area clean
    - Disks can be soaked in water until soft and flexible to activate polishing compound just before use
    -Thick disk design enables super polishing of occlusal surfaces efficiently
    - Able to super polish multiple surfaces in a single bound without the mess of polishing pastes


    Developed to achieve high gloss polishing of all types of direct tooth coloured restorations.
  • Packed in a box of 25 disk with 2 CA mandrels [PN 0535]
  • Recommened Speed Range : 8000-12000 rpm/ Max. 15000 rpm
    Contact Pressure: 0.8 N
    Usage Note: Moisten completely before use